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7 Items Found for:
Journal: "Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society"
Volume: 67,#5     Date: Nov 1974
In Oswego Public Library: Yes

Godfrey, Benjamin, Capt. "Captain Benjamin Godfrey and the Alton and Sangamon Railroad" 466-486
Illinois - Misc. "The Sheetwriter Rural Confidence Man in Illinois" 548-554
Berry, James William "James William Berry Illinois Artist" 519-529
Merriam, Charles E. "Prelude to Armageddon Charles E. Merriam and the Chicago Mayoral Election of 1911" 505-518
Capron, Horace "Horace Capron and the Development of Hokkaido: A Reappraisal" 487-504
Richberg, Donald R. "Donald R. Richberg and American Liberalism" 530-547
Sheetwriters "The Sheetwriter Rural Confidence Man in Illinois" 548-554
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