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IN PERSON-Part 1-Research a Veteran: Exploring the Basics of Military Research by Jennifer Holik, May 9, 2024 7:00 PM (Central)

All the records DID NOT burn. Have you ever wondered what dad or grandpa did in the war? What happened to your uncle, who died? What was training and combat like? How did Grandpa get wounded? What happened to the family during and after the war? Answers can be found. In this session, you will learn:

  • Where to begin your research at home.
  • What questions to ask.
  • The first part of the research strategy to learn any veteran’s story from any 20th-century war and military branch.
  • What records you need to establish the foundation, and where to locate them.
  • How to create a timeline of service.
  • How to begin writing the story.

I use storytelling along with the records to help you understand the deeper impacts of service. You might want a tissue for the story at the end of this session.

Jennifer Holik is a genealogist, and military researcher, spiritual coach, and intuitive healer specializing in inherited & war trauma, & ancestral healing. She has more than 25 years of genealogy & military research & writing experience. Jennifer helps people identify & release the beliefs, behaviors, & patterns in their lives & the lives of their ancestors that keep them stuck. Using a variety of tools, including writing, energy healing, research, & more, she helps you release the past & create the life you desire.


Nichols Library – Community Room (Lower Level)
200 W Jefferson Ave, Naperville, IL 60540
*(Note special meeting location for this event)

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